1. javascript
  2. /basics
  3. /output

JavaScript Output


JavaScript as a powerful, modern language is commonly used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. One of the most important aspects of JavaScript is the ability to output data to the user. Below, we'll discuss different ways to display data in JavaScript including console.log, document.write, innerHTML, and more.

The console.log Method

The console.log method is a built-in function in JavaScript that is used to display data in the browser's developer console. This method can be used to output strings, variables, objects, and even functions. Here is an example of how to use console.log:

let name = "John Doe";
console.log("Hello, " + name);

This will output the string "Hello, John Doe" in the browser's developer console.

The document.write Method

The document.write method is another built-in function in JavaScript that is used to display data on the web page itself. This method can be used to output strings, variables, and even HTML elements. However, it is important to note that using document.write after the page has finished loading will overwrite the entire page.

Here is an example of how to use document.write to create a simple unordered list:


This will create an unordered list on the web page with the list items "Apples", "Oranges" and "Bananas".


innerHTML can be used to display data on the web page. This property can change the content of an HTML element, and it can also be used to create new HTML elements. Here is an example of how to use innerHTML to add a new list item to an existing unordered list:

<ul id="fruits">
let newFruit = "Bananas";
document.getElementById("fruits").innerHTML += "<li>" + newFruit + "</li>";

This will add a new list item "Bananas" to the unordered list with the id "fruits".

The window.alert() method

The window.alert() method creates a dialog box with a message and an OK button. The user must click OK to close the dialog box. Here is an example of how to use window. alert to display a message to the user:

let message = "Hello, World!";

We should also mention that alert() is a shorthand but both will produce the same result. Because window is the global object in JavaScript, you can call an alert either by its shorthand: alert('Hello!') or by referencing the global object specifically: window.alert('Hello!'). They're the same and you can use whichever you prefer, but it's considered more explicit to use the fully qualified method name window.alert() as it's less prone to naming conflicts.

Browser Compatibility

Different browsers may have different implementations of JavaScript and its methods for displaying data. Some methods like document.write() and window.alert() have been present in all browsers since the early days of JavaScript, however, some more modern methods like console.log() and console.table() may not be supported in older browsers.

Additionally, JavaScript does not have any built-in print objects or methods. The only exception to this is the window.print() method, which can be used to print the content of the current browser window.

Best Practices for Beginners

When it comes to outputting data in JavaScript, there are a few things that beginners should keep in mind. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Use console.log for debugging, it's the easiest and most widely used method for debugging in JavaScript.

  • Use innerHTML to change the content of existing HTML elements, and use document.write only if you are creating a new web page.

  • Be careful when using document.write after the page has finished loading, as it will overwrite the entire page.

  • Always test your code in multiple browsers to ensure that it works correctly.

  • Learn to use browser dev tools so you can test and debug your code.

  • Avoid using global variables or overwriting them.


displaying data in JavaScript is a fundamental aspect of creating interactive and dynamic web pages. Here are a few key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • The console.log() method is a widely used and easy-to-use method for debugging and displaying data in the browser's developer console.
  • The document.write() and innerHTML methods are used to display data on the web page itself, but they have different use cases and should be used accordingly.
  • The window.alert() method is used to display a dialog box with a message and an OK button, it's mostly used for debugging or testing purposes.
  • The console.table() and console.group() methods are advanced techniques for debugging, that can make it easier to understand the data structure.
  • JavaScript does not have any built-in objects or methods specifically designed for printing, the only exception is window.print() method, which can be used to print the content of the current browser window.
  • Consider browser compatibility when using JavaScript to display data and use the best practices for beginners to avoid common pitfalls.