1. php
  2. /basics
  3. /conditional-statements

Introduction to PHP Conditional statements


A conditional statement in PHP is a way to control the flow of a program based on certain conditions. The "condition" is a boolean expression that evaluates to either true or false. If the condition is true, the code within the curly braces will be executed. If the condition is false, the code will be skipped. Other conditional statements such as else and elseif can also be used to specify different actions to be taken if the initial condition is not met. The basic structure of a conditional statement in PHP is as follows:

Types of Conditional Statements

Different Types of conditional statements in PHP are as follows.

  1. If statement
  2. If-esle statement
  3. Else-if statement
  4. Switch stagement

If Statement

The if statement is used to execute a block of code if a certain condition is true. The syntax for an if statement is as follows:

if (condition) {
    // code to be executed if condition is true

If-else Statement

The if-else statement is used to execute a block of code if a certain condition is true and another block of code if the condition is false. The syntax for an if-else statement is as follows:

if (condition) {
    // code to be executed if condition is true
} else {
    // code to be executed if condition is false

Here is an example of using an "if-else" statement in PHP:

$num = 5;

if ($num > 0) {
    echo "$num is positive.";
} else {
    echo "$num is not positive.";

In this example, the condition being tested is whether the variable $num is greater than 0. If it is, the code within the first set of curly braces will be executed and the message "5 is positive." will be displayed. If it is not, the code within the second set of curly braces will be executed and the message "5 is not positive." will be displayed.

Elseif Statement

Elseif statement is used to check multiple conditions in a sequence. If the first condition is true, the corresponding block of code will be executed, otherwise, the next condition will be checked, and so on.

if (condition1) {
    // code to be executed if condition1 is true
} elseif (condition2) {
    // code to be executed if condition1 is false and condition2 is true
} else {
    // code to be executed if all conditions are false

Switch Statement

The switch statement is used to perform different actions based on different conditions. The syntax for a switch statement is as follows:

switch (expression) {
    case value1:
        // code to be executed if expression = value1
    case value2:
        // code to be executed if expression = value2
        // code to be executed if expression does not match any cases

Here is an example of using a "switch" statement in PHP:

$day = "Tuesday";

switch ($day) {
    case "Monday":
        echo "Today is Monday.";
    case "Tuesday":
        echo "Today is Tuesday.";
    case "Wednesday":
        echo "Today is Wednesday.";
        echo "Today is not Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.";

In this example, the expression being evaluated is the variable $day. The switch statement compares the value of $day to the values specified in each case. If a match is found, the code within that case's curly braces will be executed. In this example, since the value of $day is "Tuesday", the message "Today is Tuesday." will be displayed. If the value of $day doesn't match any of the cases, the code within the default case will be executed.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices for using conditional statements in PHP:

  1. Always use clear and descriptive variable and function names to make the code more readable and understandable.

  2. Use meaningful and specific conditions, instead of general and vague ones, to make the code more efficient and accurate.

  3. Use nested conditional statements in a logical and structured way to handle more complex conditions.

  4. Use the elseif statement instead of multiple if statements to improve the readability of the code.

  5. Always use braces with conditional statements, even if the code block contains only one statement.

  6. Use the ternary operator when the condition is simple and the code block contains only one statement, to make the code more concise.

  7. Avoid using the switch statement when the condition is based on a variable that could take on many possible values. Instead, use if-else statements or an array of callbacks.

  8. Use the break statement inside the switch statement to exit the switch statement once a match is found.

  9. Always consider edge cases when writing conditional statements to ensure that the code works as expected under all conditions.

  10. Test the code thoroughly to ensure that the conditional statements are working as intended, and that no errors occur.