The border-color
property is a CSS property that sets the color of an element's border. It is used to define the color of the border around an element. The border-color
property can take a color value as its value. This can be a named color, a hexadecimal color code, a RGB color value, or a HSL color value.
This will create a border around the element with a color of red:
.element {
border-color: red;
This will create a border around the element with a color of red (hexadecimal color code):
.element {
border-color: #ff0000;
This will create a border around the element with a color of red (RGB color value):
.element {
border-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);
This will create a border around the element with a color of red (HSL color value):
.element {
border-color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%);
This will create a solid, 5 pixel wide, red border around the element:
.element {
border: 5px solid #ff0000;
Value | Description |
<color> | Specifies the color of the border. Can be a named color, a hexadecimal color code, a RGB color value, or an HSL color value. |
transparent | Makes the border transparent. |
initial | Sets the border-color to its default value. |
inherit | The element inherits the border-color value from its parent element. |
unset | The element's border-color is set to the value specified in the user agent's style sheet, if any. If there is none, it will be the default value. |
Best Practices
- Use the border-color property in conjunction with the border-style and border-width properties to fully define the border of an element.
- Choose a color that is appropriate for the design and purpose of the element.
- Use a named color or a hexadecimal color code for simplicity and easy readability.
- Use the transparent value if you want to make the border transparent.
- Use the initial value to set the border-color to its default value.
- Use the inherit value if you want the element to inherit the border-color value from its parent element.
- Use the unset value if you want the element's border-color to be set to the value specified in the user agent's style sheet, if any. If there is none, it will be the default value.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Edge | Opera |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |