1. html
  2. /tags
  3. /input



The HTML <input> element is a self-closing tag used to create various form controls that allow users to enter data. It is one of the most commonly used elements in HTML forms.

The <input> element has several types, including text, password, checkbox, radio, submit, reset, button, email, url, date, and more. Each type corresponds to a different input control that allows users to provide different types of data. For example, the text type is used for text input fields, while the checkbox type is used for checkboxes.


Here's an example of a simple text input field created using the <input> element:

<label for="name">Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name">

In this example, the input field has a type of "text", an ID of "name", a name of "name", and a placeholder of "Enter your name". When the user types their name into the field and submits the form, the value of the input field will be sent to the server with a name of "name".


This element's attributes include the global attributes.

acceptSpecifies the types of files that are accepted by the server when the user submits a form with a file input controlNo
altSpecifies an alternative text for an image input controlNo
autocompleteSpecifies whether the browser should autocomplete the input value. Possible values are "on" and "off"No
autofocusSpecifies that the input control should have focus when the page loadsNo
checkedSpecifies that the input control should be checked by default. Used for checkbox and radio input controlsNo
disabledSpecifies that the input control should be disabled and cannot be edited or selected by the userNo
formSpecifies the id of the form the input control belongs to. Used for associating inputs outside the form tagNo
formactionSpecifies the URL to submit the form data to when the input control is used as a submit buttonNo
formenctypeSpecifies the encoding type to use when the form data is submitted. Used in conjunction with the formaction attributeNo
formmethodSpecifies the HTTP method to use when the form data is submitted. Used in conjunction with the formaction attributeNo
formnovalidateSpecifies that the form data should not be validated when the input control is used as a submit buttonNo
formtargetSpecifies the target window or frame to open the response to the form submission in. Used in conjunction with the formaction attributeNo
heightSpecifies the height of an image input controlNo
listSpecifies the id of a datalist element that provides a list of suggestions for the input controlNo
maxSpecifies the maximum value for an input control. Used for number, date, and time input controlsNo
maxlengthSpecifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered in an input control. Used for text and password input controlsNo
minSpecifies the minimum value for an input control. Used for number, date, and time input controlsNo
multipleSpecifies that the user can select multiple files when using a file input controlNo
nameSpecifies the name of the input control, which is used to identify the input value when the form is submittedNo
patternSpecifies a regular expression pattern that the input value must match. Used for text and password input controlsNo
placeholderSpecifies a short hint that describes the expected input value for the input controlNo
readonlySpecifies that the input value cannot be edited by the userNo
requiredSpecifies that the input control must have a value before the form can be submittedNo
sizeSpecifies the width of the input control in characters. Used for text and password input controlsNo
srcSpecifies the URL of an image input controlNo
stepSpecifies the increment or decrement amount for an input control. Used for number, date, and time input controlsNo
typeSpecifies the type of input control to display, such as text, password, checkbox, radio, submit, reset, button, email, url, date, and moreNo
valueSpecifies the default value for an input control. Used for text, password, and hidden input controlsNo
widthSpecifies the width of an image input controlNo

Best Practices

  • Depending on the information you want the user to provide, make sure to use the correct type attribute. For example, use text for regular text inputs, email for email addresses, number for numerical input, and password for password input.
  • Always associate the input element with a label element using the for attribute. This helps users with disabilities who may use screen readers to navigate your website.
  • If the input field is expecting a certain format or pattern, provide a default value or a placeholder to guide the user.
  • Make sure to validate the user's input on the server side. Client-side validation using JavaScript can be useful for providing immediate feedback to the user, but it should not be relied upon as the only form of validation.
  • Use the autocomplete attribute to help users complete forms more quickly. For example, use autocomplete='email' for an email input field.
  • Use the required attribute only when necessary, as it can be frustrating for users to encounter an error message after filling out a form.
  • For date inputs, consider using a date picker to ensure that users enter dates in the correct format.
  • Use the pattern attribute to enforce a specific pattern or format for user input. For example, use pattern='[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}' for a social security number input field.
  • Use the minlength and maxlength attributes to specify the minimum and maximum length of input, respectively.
  • For numerical input fields, consider using a range input to allow users to select a value within a specific range.

Accessibility Considerations

  • Always associate the input element with a label element using the for attribute, and make sure the label text clearly describes the input's purpose.
  • Use the aria-describedby attribute to provide additional context for the input, such as instructions or hints.
  • Use the appropriate type attribute for each input field, as some assistive technologies may have difficulty interpreting certain types of input.
  • Make sure there is a visible focus indicator around the input element when it receives focus, as some users with disabilities may rely on keyboard navigation.
  • If an error occurs, make sure the error message is clear and describes how to fix the error.
  • Ensure there is enough contrast between the input and its background, as low contrast can make it difficult for users with low vision to read.
  • If an image is used within the input, make sure to provide a descriptive alt text that conveys its purpose.
  • Ensure that users can navigate and interact with input fields using only the keyboard, as some users may not be able to use a mouse or other pointing device.
  • Use the autocomplete attribute to help users with disabilities complete forms more quickly.
  • Test your input fields with a screen reader to ensure they are compatible and can be easily understood by users with visual impairments.

Browser Compatibility

ChromeFirefoxSafariInternet ExplorerMicrosoft EdgeOpera