1. java
  2. /basics
  3. /comments

A Comprehensive Guide to Java Comments

Getting Expressive

As developers, we often tend to focus on just the functionality aspect of writing code. But, let's not forget — code readability is crucial for both our future selves and fellow developers.

As is the case in other languages, comments in Java are a neat tool enabling us to document our code, clarify its purpose, and make it more accessible to everyone.

Below, we'll explore the world of Java comments, and go over the different types and syntax, while providing some best practices, and pitfalls to steer clear of.

The Pillars of Java Comments

Essentially, comments add a touch of human understanding to our code. As it turns out, Java supports four distinct styles of implementation comments: block, single-line, trailing, and end-of-line comments.

Each comment style brings its unique strengths to the table, serving specific needs and scenarios. With them, we can document our thought processes and communicate our intentions and rationale to fellow developers. And while they might not be executed as part of the code, they play a vital role in the overall readability and maintainability of our Java programs.

Let's demonstrate each comment style, and help you choose the right approach to enrich your code with meaningful annotations.

Syntax and Usage of Java Comments

We can place Java comments anywhere in the code and they'll be gracefully overlooked by the Java compiler. But, to make the most of their expressiveness, we should follow certain guidelines and use them judiciously.

Block (Multi-line) Comments

Block comments are our go-to choice for comprehensive descriptions of files, methods, data structures, or algorithms. Moreover, there are some outlying use cases, where we can use them even inside methods.

When nested within a function or method, we should ensure that the block comments share the same indentation level as the code they describe. Always leave a blank line before a block comment for better readability.

 * This block comment offers insights into a specific algorithm or data structure.

Single-line Comments

When brevity is key, single-line comments shine. If a comment extends beyond a single line, opt for the block comment format instead. Don't forget to precede a single-line comment with a blank line to enhance clarity.

if (isValid) {
    // Perform the operation if the input is valid

Trailing Comments

Trailing comments cozy up to the code they describe, residing on the same line. Make sure to shift them far enough from the statements for a clean look. When working with multiple short comments in a code section, align them using consistent indentation.

if (x == 10) {
    return true;            // special case for x
} else {
    return isEven(x);        // verify if x is even

End-of-line Comments

We employ the // comment delimiter to comment out entire lines or portions of lines. However, we should avoid using it for consecutive multiple lines of text comments, but we can freely use it for commenting out specific code sections.

if (temperature > 100) {
    // Execute heat management routine
} else {
    return false; // Temperature is within safe limits

// Commented out code example:
// if (pressure > 50) {
//     // Trigger safety mechanism
//     ...
// } else {
//     return false;
// }

Documentation Comments

Documentation comments, or doc comments, explain Java classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields. We should enclose each doc comment within the /**...*/ delimiters, assigning one comment per class, interface, or member. Moreover, the position of the comment is right before the declaration takes place.

 * The SuperWidget class offers advanced functionality ...
public class SuperWidget {

Bear in mind that this style requires more extensive research on the proper usage, so feel free to check out this official guide.

Effective Commenting - Best Practices and Pitfalls to Avoid

Writing effective Java comments involves understanding not only the best practices but also being aware of the common mistakes that can hinder readability. So, we should aim to strike a balance between providing essential information and avoiding redundancies.

When writing comments, ensure they are clear and concise, using plain English to convey the purpose and context of the code. Comments should focus on explaining the rationale behind the code, rather than merely describing what it does. Complex algorithms or code blocks can benefit from comments that shed light on their inner workings.

However, there are pitfalls to avoid when commenting your code. Refrain from using comments to describe obvious code or as a substitute for well-named variables, methods, or classes. Overusing comments can lead to clutter and confusion; use them sparingly and only when necessary to clarify the code's purpose.

Additionally, it's crucial to update comments whenever you modify the code to ensure they remain accurate and relevant. Lastly, use Javadoc comments for generating API documentation, making it easier for other developers to understand and use your code.

Final Thoughts

Java comments are more than just annotations; they play a crucial role in documenting and facilitating communication between developers. By adhering to the advice we provided, you can produce effective comments that significantly improve the readability and maintainability of your code.

Useful Resources

Introduction to the JavaDoc Tool