1. php
  2. /basics
  3. /output-statements

Introduction to PHP output-statements


In PHP, output statements are used to display information to the user or browser. There are several ways to output data in PHP, including:

  1. echo: This statement is used to output one or more strings or variables to the browser.

  2. print: This statement is similar to echo, but it can only output one string or variable.

  3. printf: This statement is used to output a formatted string, similar to the C printf function.

  4. print_r: This statement is used to output the contents of a variable, such as an array or object, in a human-readable format.

For example:


// Using echo
echo "Hello";
echo " World!";

// Using print
print "Hello World!";

// Using printf
$x = 10;
printf("The value of x is %d", $x);

// Using print_r
$colors = array("red", "green", "blue");


In this example, the first echo statement will output "Hello" and the second one will output " World!" to the browser. The print statement will output "Hello World!" to the browser. The printf statement will output "The value of x is 10" to the browser. Finally, the print_r statement will output the contents of the $colors array in a human-readable format, such as "Array ( [0] => red [1] => green [2] => blue )" to the browser.

All the statements above are used to output information to the browser or user. The echo statement can output multiple strings or variables, the print statement can output only one, printf is used for formatting the output and print_r is used for displaying the contents of a variable in a human-readable format.

Best Practices

  1. Use echo and print statements for simple output tasks, such as displaying a string or a variable.

  2. Use printf for more complex output tasks, such as displaying a formatted string or a number with a specific number of decimal places.

  3. Use print_r to display the contents of a variable, such as an array or object, in a human-readable format. This can be useful for debugging.

  4. Instead of using multiple echo or print statements on the same line, use separate statements to make the code more readable.

  5. Instead of using echo or print statements inside of loops, store the output in a variable and then display it outside of the loop.

  6. Instead of using echo or print statements inside of functions, return the output and display it outside of the function.

  7. Use the concatenation operator (.) to combine strings and variables for more complex output tasks.

  8. Use appropriate HTML tags and CSS styles to format output and make it more visually appealing.

  9. Avoid using echo or print statements to output sensitive data, such as passwords or personal information, as it can be easily seen by others.

  10. If you need to control the output of your script, you can use the output buffering function, ob_start(), to temporarily store the output before sending it to the browser.